Those that know me well know that I am a book worm. I absolutely love to read and to have books displayed on my shelf. They're mostly sci-fi and fantasy, but there is one section reserved on my shelf for my favorite dog books! Below is a list of books that I think belong on any dog parent's shelf!
Disclaimer: I may receive a small monetary compensation form purchases made using these links. All proceeds go toward helping foster dogs.
How dogs Learn by Mary R Burch & Jon S Bailey - This is one of my favorites. Anyone looking to train a dog should read this. It covers learning theory and explains scientific concepts in relatively simple terms.
When Pigs Fly: Training Success With Impossible Dogs by Jane Killion - Your dog is not "stubborn," your dog was bred to think independently and problem solve, rather than sit around and wait for a person's say-so. She is likely a non-biddable breed of dog, or a mix of non-biddable breeds. Most training classes are modeled after the way "biddable dogs" learn. Dogs like the popular Border Collie, or Labradors, or Goldens. But if you have anything with just a little bit of hound mixed in or terrier, or heck a Husky, you might find that pigs will fly before your dog gives a hoot what you say. Or maybe not! Jane Killion explains how she got her 3 "When Pigs Fly" Bull Terriers to not only learn and love training, but they went on to win agility and obedience titles too. In this book, she walks the reader through the methods she uses to train "impossible dogs."
Family Friendly Dog Training by Patricia McConnel - This is an easy to digest 6 week puppy training program in a book. Again, If you've got a puppy that seems to be unresponsive, aloof, uninterested, If your puppy is a hound, terrier, husky or mix of those, get the book above.
On Talking Terms With Dogs by Turid Rugaas - In this fascinating read, Turid walks the reader through the language of dogs and explains what their different behaviors mean. She does go as far as imitating these behaviors to communicate, I do think that part is optional. Either way, it's of high importance for dog people to learn the language of dogs.
AKC The New Complete Dog Book - Another great book that belongs on every dog lovers shelf! This book contains the history of all the breeds currently recognized by the AKC and it's truly amazing to see just how many specific or specialized tasks we have selected for over the years. This collection of breed profiles is a must in helping to understand our dogs better.
The New Click to Calm - This is a great option for anyone that has a dog with behavioral challenges, be that aggression, reactivity, fear, or anxiety.